Hikaru Utada sighted in Shibuya...

My future wife and mother of my unborn child was spotted in Shibuya. God knows how, because that place is so damn busy that it's really hard to notice anything except how busy it is. And of course, McDonalds. (McDonalds' chains really do stand out in Japan...)

Fans and bypassers had stated that she was involved in a photoshoot. What for? No clue. But hopefully the shoot is a prelude to a new music release. If life is just that kind it will be. But knowing our luck, it'll just be a one off shoot for a fashion mag and nothing else. It's been a good while since Hikaru did a professional photoshoot for promotional or publication purposes, so I can't wait to see the outcome (whenever that'll be). Us Hikki fans know how a chick likes to take her time with everything.

I really am going to need Hikaru to spoil us this year and make like somebody is cracking a whip on that ass: AvexTrax style. I'm talking double A-sides, tours, an album, and shit loads of magazine and TV appearances.

It's been a while since Hikaru released her first Best album Single collection vol. 1, so I'm curbing my excitement for a new studio album with the possibility that we could get a Single collection vol. 2. It's a shame her English language releases were distributed through a different label to her Japanese releases. What a hell of a collection songs from Exodus, Ultra blue, Heart station and This is the one would be!
