Robot face's facial expressions and the holding of her hand to her face got old quick. But this was a really good video which suited the song perfectly.
I've not enjoyed an Ayumi Hamasaki video this much since "Real me" - which is one of my faves from her: both song and video. I couldn't help but think of Final Fantasy X-2 when I first saw Ayumi in her garden island. It reminded me of Yuna in the Farplane. Yes. I'm a gamer and a bit of a Final Fantasy geek.
The one thing I like about whenever Ayumi releases a song that ties in with a film, product or drama: is that the music video is never a shameless plug for the product it's released for. And that the videos (for the most part) are conceptual.
I'm not a huge fan of Ayumi Hamasaki. But I do admire the creativity that goes into her music videos, and she's set her fair share of trends in the field. After her past few music videos looking pretty cheap and a little crap. It's nice to have a decent one.
Yeah the video was nice, I was slightly distraced by the subtitles (I wanted to know what the song was about) but the ending was dark (I like) and the song was pretty.
ReplyDelete"The one thing I like about whenever Ayumi releases a song that ties in with a film, product or drama: is that the music video is never a shameless plug for the product it's released for"
I have to admit that the only Japanese artist I've seen done this is Utada's 'Beautiful World/Kiss and Cry', any other J-pop songs for anime/films/products I've seen haven't had the thing it's advertsing in the video.