Barbie goes Gaga

 Lady Gaga Barbie: Bad romance style [Lady Gaga Barbie image used courtesy of Veik 11@ flickr]
Lady Gaga Barbie: with hair bow [Lady Gaga Barbie image used courtesy of Veik 11@ flickr] Lady Gaga Barbie: with mirrored mosaic mask [Lady Gaga Barbie image used courtesy of Veik 11@ flickr]

Whilst Mattel haven't jumped on the Gaga bandwagon and made official dolls of our favourite crazed pop star - n fan has! The three styles above are just a small sample of some of Gaga's distinctive styles that the Gaga fan has Barbie-ized. That "Bad romance" doll is the one. It's the gangsta leaning crown and completely un-Barbie like poker face that does it. The other Gaga Barbie styles look too happy. Wipe the smiles off and we've got ourselves a real deal!

Be sure to check out Lady Gaga and Barbie fanatic Veik11's flickr photostream to see all of his creations. They are pretty bloody amazing.

Lady GaGa Barbie dolls @ The lipstick diaries
