Whilst Mattel haven't jumped on the Gaga bandwagon and made official dolls of our favourite crazed pop star - n fan has! The three styles above are just a small sample of some of Gaga's distinctive styles that the Gaga fan has Barbie-ized. That "Bad romance" doll is the one. It's the gangsta leaning crown and completely un-Barbie like poker face that does it. The other Gaga Barbie styles look too happy. Wipe the smiles off and we've got ourselves a real deal!
Be sure to check out Lady Gaga and Barbie fanatic Veik11's flickr photostream to see all of his creations. They are pretty bloody amazing.
Lady GaGa Barbie dolls @ The lipstick diaries
Be sure to check out Lady Gaga and Barbie fanatic Veik11's flickr photostream to see all of his creations. They are pretty bloody amazing.
Lady GaGa Barbie dolls @ The lipstick diaries
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