Kylie performs "Get outta my way" on Paul O'Grady

Kylie performs 'Get outta my way' on Paul O'Grady | Live performance
Kylie Minogue appeared on Paul O'Grady where she gave a crowd arousing performance of "Get outta my way". She pretty much recreated the video on the damn set. The only thing missing was the projectors, and the Iron man shit on Kylie's hands. Although bitch probably had those, and I just couldn't see them.

There was more choreography in this live performance than there was in the music video. I'm not sure how Kylie was able to put in more moves live whilst singing, yet was unable to do as such on a sound stage when all she had to do was mime.

This performance of "Get outta my way" was probably of Kylie's best so far. But I still think more could have been done with the routine for the chorus. That stupid shit with the hand looks abysmal. There should be serious dancing going down, not fart wafts.
