Music video: Taetiso - Twinkle

Music video: Taetiso - Twinkle | Random J Pop

These wig wearing skeletons ripped off the "Lady Marmalade" song and borrowed scenes from Destiny's child's "Bills, bills, bills" video, as well as recycled sets from f(x)'s "LaChaTa". I think "Twinkle" may be in reference to Taetiso's vaginas, but I'm not sure. Oh, and I think I saw a bit of BeyoncĂ©'s "Work it out" video being 'borrowed' too.

I do not see the point in this sub unit. And I can't help but wonder why the hell Seohyun was picked alongside Tiffany and racist Taeyeon? She's one of the select few members who can sing, but she has ZERO prescence. Tiffany's perfume bottle was giving me more than Seohyun was in this video. They should've thrown Jessica in there too. But then that would pretty much confirm that there are the only 4 musically relevant members of the group and raise questions as to what exactly the other girls do other than skip meal times and struggle to keep in time with them on stage. Although Tiffany's often the culprit when it comes to f**king up dance steps.

"Twinkle" is nonsense. It was pretty much a glorified perfume ad. The "Run devil run" remix sounding beat during the intro was better than the song itself. And Tiffany's wig looks horrid.

Taeyeon hates the drummer because he's black. She also hates on of the guitar players and the bassist because they black too. I'm wondering how why she even agreed to shooting this video with there being black people in it.


  1. I don't even want to watch this after, the teasers and this review.

  2. I caved, your right Taeyeon is pissed cause of all the black people, SM didn't tell her till she got there.
    Tiffany musta had something in her eye cause she would not stop winking, she needs to stop with the surgery, shes about to wonder into Park Bom territory.

    The live perf will be HILARIOUS, cant wait.

    1. Tiffany's face does look off in this video. Like she's seen a ghost...and she's still seeing it...all the time.

  3. "Taeyeon hates the drummer because he's black. She also hates on of the guitar players and the bassist because they black too. I'm wondering how why she even agreed to shooting this video with there being black people in it."

    My life has been slayed and my soul has gone to the heathens. This entire post was f***ing hilarious.

  4. "Taeyeon hates the drummer because he's black. She also hates on of the guitar players and the bassist because they black too. I'm wondering how why she even agreed to shooting this video with there being black people in it."

    All of this. It is true though. Why show up? I actually did not look at the video until I learned that in the US there mini album was number 4. Well shit aint gon last too much longer.

  5. Yeah, their mini-album dropped twice. Dropped on its release date and then on the iTunes Album Charts right down into the 60s somewhere. I had to SCROLL.

    Is Tae-yeon really racist towards Blacks though? Because she doesn't seem to have any problem trying to make that Japanese Money. Roll up on her like a Tsunami.

    And it's funny because Seo-hyun is a complete and utter Boojie Hag off stage. While onstage and in Music Videos she's just the girl who looks like Yuri except for the part below the chin where she looks like Michael J. Fox.

    What's with all these Undercover Scallywags. We know ya'll bald behind the scenes.

  6. 'Is Tae-yeon really racist towards Blacks though? Because she doesn't seem to have any problem trying to make that Japanese Money. Roll up on her like a Tsunami.'

    I am not sure how that has to do with her prejudice. But she said some bull-ish about black people. Chick some help. Any who, it is funny though because now they are at 96 now. Damn, like I said shit did not last long. That was the biggest rise and fall of an album. US aint goin let them shine. Next thing you know they gon be at 200. Michael J. Fox? Yep. That was hella funny

  7. God love how I make mistakes.

    I am not sure how that has to do with her prejudice. But she said some bull-ish about black people. Chick needs some help. Any who, it is funny though because now they are at 96 on Itunes in the US. Damn, like I said shit did not last long. That was the biggest rise and fall of an album. US aint goin let them shine. Next thing you know they gon be at 200. Michael J. Fox? Yep. That was hella funny

  8. @Belle011

    Well you know. Some Koreans hold grudges against the Japanese for Reigning over them all that time ago. And some especially don't like it when their Precious Korean Stars go over to Japan to make that money and then come back to them because they see it as a betrayal. And especially if they don't come back to them. A la BoA Kwon.

    So if Tae-yeon doesn't have a problem with the Japanese, she most definitely shouldn't have a problem with the Blacks, because Black people ain't ever OWNED anybody. If anything, she should relate to them on some level. Not that any of this should matter regardless, but if she is racist than I will use history as my ammunition and pull the trigger with no regrets.

  9. Taeyeon's "hey hey heEEEEEEY" was mmmm... bad.

    1. The whole damn song and video were bad.

    2. True, but it wasn't until that moment that my ears started bleeding. And as for the video... I stopped watching after thirty seconds, and just let the song play in the background

  10. BREAAAAAAAAAAAAAD17 May 2012 at 03:26


    What is this I don't even.

  11. Hi. I don't know her so I don't know the truth but if your racist judgement is only based on just one sentence without knowing the whole context (the countroveral alicia keys's one)like a lot of comments about this subject are in the internet, I find it a little bit harsh.
    Because, for me being racist is a really serious case so I refuse to call people racist randomly without enought proof. I am aware of this story and I don't forget it but I need more clue to call her racist. So for the moment, for me, she was just very clumsy with her words and therefore made a big mistake but it not enough to being called racist

  12. the music in the intro is actually from the song OMG on taetiseo's album


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