Crystal Kay to feature on the Final Fantasy 25th anniversary album, perform at Distant worlds and head home with Faye Wong's wig.

Crystal Kay to feature on the Final Fantasy 25th anniversary album, perform at Distant worlds and head home with Faye Wong's wig |
For a girl whose career is a mess from a sales stand-point, this chick sure is keeping busy. Crystal is too preoccupied with her fingers in pies and packing her suitcase to point at bitches and blame folk as to why Vivid sold 73 copies.

With a collaboration with the Flop east movement, Lionel Richie, some Japaican reggae star and Beni well and truly sung under a stage at J-Melo, Crystal is broadening her horizons with Final Fantasy. Now, I won't go into how much of a mess the Final Fantasy franchise is now. It's bad enough Square Enix continue to get my money and 60 hours of life when they release a new game as well as columns on my blog too. I will instead focus on how this could be BIG for Crystal Kay's career, but probably won't be. Because nothing this girl does not seems to make any f**king difference to anything.

Not only has Crystal recorded a new version of "Eyes on me" for a Final Fantasy 25th anniversary album, but she will be performing this song live at the Distant worlds event in London! My girl is about to get UK exposure and I WILL BE THERE TO SEE IT BECAUSE I HAVE TICKETS N***A!!!

Seeing this story break today made me so depressed that I decided to sit at my computer in my hoodies and Flaming Moe's PJ bottoms and troll the Distant worlds website like some black souled bastard, just to find tickets were available!! GOOD ass seats too! So I'll be able to see her face and will be within throwing distance to frisbee my copy of Vivid at a bitch...out of love of course.

Faye Wong doesn't know it yet, but Crystal's about to have her hair piece. Because we all know Crystal will sing the absolute shit out of "Eyes on me". I get emotional just listening to "Memory box". So I will be a complete wreck when Crystal hits dem notes on "Eyes on me" and the FMV footage of Laguna and Raine plays on the screen behind her.


  1. fav FF song + one of my fav singers = LIFE. MADE.

    *drops mic. exits*

  2. Bryan right?!?!? J, you best record some live footage for us, because you know Universal can't be bothered. Please and Thank You! I would really like to see the live performance.

  3. Happy for CK; great opportunity and I look forward to hearing her version of Eyes on Me. I am also a Faye Wong fan - it's the clarity of her soft voice that made the emotional link & I loved how she sang the song. CK's voice is quite big and strong compared to Faye's --- so it's gonna be great to have to different versions of the song.

  4. I just have to say that I am super jealous of what you get to witness. I suggest you bomb threat her plane and convince CK to just stay awhile in London because it's not happening in Japan for her right now. As you said, she could sprout wings and hum gold bars that float from her throat and it still wouldn't be enough to get her proper exposure. A change of scenery might make like milk and do her body good. I am happy that she is at least keeping busy. I suppose she is throwing everything she can at the mass public and praying that something will finally stick.

    Have fun at the concert and get us an audio recording or lock of Crystal's hair. I don't care if it is one of her Claire's clip-on hair pieces from "Forever".

  5. Try to get an interview. :)

  6. I think she might be performing 2 songs as the Distant Worlds Facebook site also mentioned she'll be singing Suteki Da Ne. I got tickets too long ago, so really looking forward to hearing her perform and putting her own spin into these great songs :-)

    1. "Eyes on Me" I can get behind, but "Suteki da ne"... I'll have to hear it, because I really can't picture CK's voice behind it... It might be interesting to say the least.

    2. "Suteki da ne" is almost Enka like. Lots of warbling. So I get your reservations. But Crystal is yet to put a foot wrong with a ballad or a cover thus far. Vocally she's really surprised me as of late and is really showing confidence in her own vocal ability. So I have no doubt that she'll pull this off.

  7. Lucky bastard J, be careful when you throw that CD at CKay, don't hit her in the face.
    Faye Wong did the damn thing, we shall see, I know Crystals good, but Faye wong...Damn

  8. Yaas J love the article and I'll be going there to support the show too. Have to be there for Ckay's UK debut. I hope this gives her the exposure she needs tbh! I also hope there arent too many fans around so we get a chance to get a photo or something!

  9. I wish I lived in UK and didn't have this thing called college to go to so I can catch a flight to see her preform *Dreams* I'm on dat broke gurl college syndrome.I'm loving how no matter what people say this gurl keeps it movin and is so driven which makes me proud to be her stan. I hope she kills it and sends some chicks to a early funeral she sweet so i know she'll leave flowers. lolz
    *know this is from a Ckay Stan so i go overboard with alot my comments*

  10. *Squeals*
    I'm soooooo happy CKay will be performing in London. Finally!!!! She'll be getting the exposure she's deserved for a long time now & through Final Fantasy just makes it even better imo. Hey J, is it possible for U to catch it on either: (phone video-recorder) or (A mini digital camera)? Its def worth a shot jus sayin. This is an Epic moment in Crystal's career right now. I'm so jealous tht I won't be there in person but I'm happy for U & others tht will be able to witness this Beautiful singing Swan do her thang on stage. Pls keep us updated daily. Have a safe trip to & from the UK mate lol.
    "Jumps up & gives ya a high five".
    CKay fan for life <3 :)

    1. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to record the whole performance (my phone battery died on me even though I had the damn thing charging all day at work!) But there are already quite a few fan vids of her performance and I've done a new post which features one of them ;)


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