Namie Amuro does absolutely nothing in her "Tsuki" music video and still shits on all the hoes

Namiserable I ~Namiserable the first~ has shot a video for her twinkly throwback Winter jam "Tsuki" and she isn't doing a damn thing in it. Namie doesn't even bother to lip sync to the lyrics for the first 20 seconds. THAT is how little she cares about trying to get this video shot.

The miserable priestess spent all of her dancing tokens on "Neonlight lipstick", so she wasn't going to entertain anybody with so much as a 2-step shuffle or a slow walk through a forest for this video.

Namie should call her next album Bare minimum. I love how Namie can do fuck all and still send bitches flying 20 feet back into a seat.


  1. bare minimum ~dying lol

  2. We'lll be lucky if she dances again in the PV for her next single. Bitch seems to be incapable of delivering more than two hot videos per era. We all knew she wasn't going to do jack shit for this PV. A song like this can only have like one of five settings anyway LOL.
    In totally Unrelated news, Jojo has been released from her slave contract and has signed to Atlantic records. Let us rejoice!!

  3. This is frightening. I prefer her wearing caked eyeliner and eyeshadow. Because when she don't -- she looks like a soul sucking succubus.

  4. Then remembers " Wait a minute, I'm the only one raking in the Yen to Avex's roster of flops."... "The bitch isn't going to be me tonight... In the spirit of Kumi... BON VOYAGE Ayu"

    In all seriousness, it really does look like Namie's intern at dimension point shot this on their Iphone 5C at the Aokigahara suicide forest. I can't wait for the video to drop in full, hopefully we'll get a shot of Ayu hanging by her wig on one of the trees in the background.

  5. While Namie earns dem yen by doing nothing, one of her fellow j-pop gals has realized that her singing career ain't the business anymore so she opted for other ways of raking in da green paper by using her other g0d given talent.

  6. Meh. The full PV was nothing to write home about in my opinion but then again I've always found her Ballad PV's to be boring. The song is still my jam though.

  7. I think the point which is being made (but perhaps getting lost) is that despite both groups being steered by a bigger team - the way both groups started out and how their careers have been managed since inception have few parallels.

    AKB started out via a recruitment / audition process from a talent agency. Perfume started out with A-chan wanting to start a group and forming one with her class mates. Perfume's focus has always been music and live performances. Where-as with AKB it's TV, it's films, it's endorsements, it's meet and greets, it's variety shows, it's merchandise. The focus is never purely just music with AKB. With Perfume it's always at the forefront. The members of AKB48 are interchangeable. The members of Perfume aren't.

    Hate aside, I think these are pretty valid reasons as to why A-chan can say what she said and why fans can ask the question "How could you even compare the two groups!?"

    "One day in the future there will be countless pop acts around the world doing what AKB48 is doing now in terms of marketing and promotion and fan service".

    I don't think this will ever be the case. This is a business model which could only work in a country like Japan due to its culture and how celebrity driven EVERYTHING is over there. It's also a large part of Japanese culture to not express dislike of a situation with the intent of it reaching your boss or superior. Even if those AKB48 girls aren't happy and they're being under paid and mistreated, they'll never speak up on it or express displeasure over the situation. In the West, different story. There would be shade thrown in an interview, law suits being slapped down - we know how it goes. This type of thing does NOT happen in Japan, because the artist making the allegations would always be the one who comes out of it worse off and with no career.

  8. Yeah I totally get what you mean now, thanks for clarifying. I definitely agree. Although with AKB48 one of their man focuses is performances too. They have their own theatre obviously. I think the concept behind AKB48 of "idols you can meet" is really great. Honestly I love the idea of stanning for an artist and collecting everything and going to the handshakes and theatre shows and stuff. It'd be a lot of fun. I'd totally do it for Crayon Pop or T-ara or something.

    I do disagree with your second point though about how we'll never see the AKB48 model in the West, but I should've been more specific. Of course we won't see it utilized in the exact same way in the West as it is in Asia, but I think some kind of variation of it, tailored for the Western market, will happen one day. I just think Japan is a few steps ahead of everybody else with this. People already demand more personal interactions with celebrities now as it is, such as social media contact and the increased number of meet and greet packages that are now being offered with concerts. But I of course agree with your point that if it was done too similar to the Japanese model (which it wouldn't be) that one of the many issues would be these trashy American bitches fighting and clawing for the spotlight and suing each other left and right. Just look at what a mess PCD was.

  9. I like the song, It's good... But seriously how can anybody be a fuckin Namie stan?! Her last really good album was "Past > Future" and she doesn't even give a fuck enough to slide to the left in her own videos anymore. The only thing she has going for her is her looks and her sales and since Avex started milking her instead of Ayu and Ku with albums left and right even the sales are slipping gradully.
    People laugh at Ayu and Ku but just remember how Britney stans used to take the piss out of Xtina when Bionic and Lotus dropped and now where is Britney Jean??? Just saying...

  10. "LuvAsian" are the ones that do Kumi's nail for her covers and pvs. They probably are pimping the ho they always get done.

  11. There are so many bad comments about AKB48, you guys seem to be so angry. If I were you, I would be mad, too. However, if people think Perfume is an idol group, why don't you guys try to support Perfume more and more instead of write bad comments about AKB?
    I am a fan of AKB, to be honest. AKB48, even they "can't sing, can't dance, have zero talent", I still enjoy their songs, love their performances, watch their shows everyday and support all the members.

  12. if you're going to like something, be knowledgeable of what you're liking. it makes no sense to lump in all Japanese music together and be an ignorant foreigner, making all of us look bad. A Chan is right. and more westerners need to open their minds.

  13. they dont lip sync. obviously you've never been to a live performance. they sing live, and they sing beautifully. if they couldn't, i doubt they would have been in the game for this long. and achan is not raggedy. the beats are in nakata's hands, but the true talent is in her own. so take several seats with your rude ass comment.

  14. Bahahahaha


  15. #britneywhoPerfume4va

  16. That's why K-pop maybe the only one that can do that.


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