Kelis works part time serving food from a truck

Kelis serves Food. Actual food. From a truck window | Random J Pop

Kelis turned up at SXSW this year to bring boys to the yard by offering more than just milkshake. This chick rocked up in a truck and served food.

Kelis has always been open about her love of cooking and that it's a great passion of hers. So for her to name her album Food, name the tracks on it after dishes and then rock up in a truck selling the damn thing is no surprise. I can't even shade Kelis and say that she's so desperate for the money she's not making from album sales that she has to live in a truck with her baby and sell food out of it - because Kelis' was offering food for free. Plus, we know Kelis is living nice off of those child support cheques. The real broke ass in all of this will eventually be Nas.

Check out pics of Kelis' food and prepare for your mouth to water.

Kelis serves Food. Actual food. From a truck window | Random J Pop Kelis serves Food. Actual food. From a truck window | Random J Pop

She needs to bring this truck to London and serve me some of this. Tortilla and Benito's hat wouldn't see me for days.

Kelis' sixth studio album Food is released on April 18th. Ever the musical Chameleon, the album sounds like it is going to be completely different from Fleshtone. So those who were hoping for more Euro dance bangers like "Acapella", well...yo' ass is going to be disappointed. The album sounds as though it's going to be a swoony, retro R&B and funk affair, not a million miles away from Solange's True. And just like that, I now want Kelis to record an album with Dev Hynes. Kelis' vocals would sound so right on "Losing you".
