Perfume's LEVEL3 4th tour in dome performance of "Clockwork"...runs like clockwork

Perfume - Clockwork | Random J Pop

When Perfume's LEVEL3 album dropped and I heard "Clockwork", all I could think was 'The routine. I would love to see Perfume perform this live and she the routine'. Based on this and also my love of the song (easily being the song I play most off of LEVEL3 alongside "Party maker") I had an expectation for this performance once I saw it was part of their LEVEL3 4th tour in dome setlist...and it was met.

The "Clockwork" performance involved a really simple stage set-up. The screens show a set of gears (naturally given the song title) and the lighting is minimal. The technical feat with this performance is all in the routine. The dancers among you may scoff and think 'PSSSH! That shit is easy'. But I've watched this performance many times. Many, many times. All I keep thinking is how do these girls remember that shit with the hands and make it look so easy and how in the world does Mikiko come up with these routines!? Not just the dance moves, but the canonical timing; because there were only minimal occasions where all 3 girls were dancing the same routine in time.

LEVEL3 4th tour in dome performances: Sleeping beauty | Party maker
Album review: LEVEL3
