Brandy's "Long distance" single cover

Brandy's 'Long distance' album coverThe single cover for Brandy's "Long distance". She looks like a mannequin. Nobody seems to put effort into single covers any more! Still, there's something nice about the picture. Probably the fact you can't Brandy's gangsta hairline and that she isn't trying hard to look sexy. Though having said that, she probably is.

In "Long distance" news, I just found out the song wasn't produced by Rodney Jerkins! The song was in fact written and produced by upcoming songwriting and production duo Philip Lawrence and Bruno Mars. The dudes did an amazing job. Looking at the list of writers and producers fwhich is floating around for Brandy's forthcoming album Human it doesn't look like they've contributed any more tracks to the album. But I stay hopeful, as they gave Brandy a brilliant song and Brandy did the damn thing with it vocally (as she always does!)
