Music video: 2AM - I did wrong (Part 1)

What is up with these dudes' hair!? Changmin's mullet was the only looking like somebody actually tried to go slick with his shit. He and Seulong were looking way too old and grown to be sitting up in a class room too.

I found this video to be really boring, and a little crap. So I can't say I'm looking forward to Part 2 to fill in the gaps. The story line seems so clichéd, that we could probably draw conclusions close to the reality of what will go down in the second part anyway.

I'm not keen on the song neither. It is garbage compared "Can't let you go even if I die". 2AM's vocals are too good for these throwaway house records. This shit should have been given to 2PM instead. Or even better, left in the studio. It's such a rubbish song. Nobody could have a hit with it unless they were at least as popular as 2AM.

I'm wondering how 2AM are going to fare with this and their repackaged mini-album. Because their last music video got overshadowed by Girls' genetation's comeback with "Oh!". And now they have a music video debuting on the same day as Girls' generation's new dark concept music video and a repackaged album releasing around the same time as Girls' generation's. Me-think the SNSD-bots are going to be snatching the limelight...again!
