Perfume and their new song “Human Factory -Denzo Ningen-” to feature in the film Showtime 7, starring Hiroshi Abe
One thing about Perfume, they gon’ stay BUSY.Showtime 7 is a film about a disgraced news anchor who uses a terrorist attack as a means to return to his former glory. This all backfires massively and results in a bomb being planted in the studio of the show he was so desperate to return to, with the terrorist communicating with Mr. I Just Wanted My Old Job Back. Based on the trailer is seems like the story is gonna be a case of the culprit antagonising Mr. I Fuck Morals for the Bag and telling him to do all sorts of awful shit whilst live on air if he doesn’t want the bomb to go off.
Mess. I might have to watch it.
On the cast section of the official website for the film, the actor of the terrorist is not named. So, watch this either be some stunt casting or for there to be a twist that the news anchor is the terrorist.
Showtime 7 is an adaptation of the South Korean film Terror Live, which released in 2013. And I might have to watch that too.
Showtime 7 stars Hiroshi Abe, who I have not watched in anything since the 2006 J-drama Kekkon Dekinai Otoko. It also stars Kotaro Yoshida, who some may know of more recently from his role as the titular Ossan in the cigarette J-drama series Ossan’s Love. Showtime 7 also stars Perfume, who will feature as themselves as musical guests who perform on the in-story show. And of course, their attire is business as usual. Ugly dresses with black ankle boots. But keeping the shit on theme, the dresses are another ugly set of Army of the Light uniforms, in keeping with Nebula Romance: Part 1. This really is a genius way of promoting their Nebula Romance: Episode 1 Tour to cinema goers.
Imagine if it turns out in the film that Perfume were the terrorists. Setting bombs to make sure everybody gon’ blast off to the funky beat.
![Perfume and their new song “Human Factory -Denzo Ningen-” to feature in the film Showtime 7, starring Hiroshi Abe | Random J Pop A promotional shot of Perfume [from left to right: Kashiyuka, Nocchi and a-chan] on the set of the film Showtime 7, in what is either the intro pose or ending pose for their dance routine for their song “Human Factory”. Perfume are wearing blue dresses, which are another design of their Nebula Romance: Part 1 Army of the Light uniforms.](
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