Lady Gaga appeared on Japanese television, looking restrained, looking akward and with make-up looking like a Panda. I think Geisha style make-up may have been more fitting, but hey...what do I know!?
Lady Gaga obviously never got that tweet informing her she was in Japan, not mainland China. Not that it would have made much difference. A hot mess is a hot mess, no matter which country you're in.

I love this man for blatantly pointing in her face and LOL'ing. You'd expect a n***a to do that shit on 106 and Park, not on Japanese daytime television.
Lady Gaga obviously never got that tweet informing her she was in Japan, not mainland China. Not that it would have made much difference. A hot mess is a hot mess, no matter which country you're in.

I love this man for blatantly pointing in her face and LOL'ing. You'd expect a n***a to do that shit on 106 and Park, not on Japanese daytime television.
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