Perfume school young midget hoes with performances of "Polyrhythm" and "Spring of life" on HEY!HEY!HEY!

Perfume school hoes on HEY!HEY!HEY! | Perfume

Perfume have come a long way. It's only as I watched this performance I realized just how much so. As they perform "Polyryhthm" they just flounder on stage. Albeit in perfect synchronicity and in the cutest of ways, but it's still swaggerless floundering. But the second "Spring of life" kicks off, the swagger chip activates and these robohoes start turning shit out.

This was their best performance of "Spring of life" so far, because these girls had the moves down on absolute lock. But they're looking bored of this song now, which echoes how I felt about it two days after hearing it in full. It's a hot song on a first listen and the production is pin-point. But it lacks the lasting appeal their singles usually have. And yes, I still play "Glitter" everyday, in case any of you were wondering.

Reviews: Perfume the Game | JPN | ...catch the Spring of life


  1. You know I am such a big fan of Perfume now and I swear, I'm still so surprised by their dance skills. They sing like they would be as whack and generic as Kara but they really do pull together perfectly, IMO they're essentially the perfect sugar-pop group imaginable. Their extended remix performance of Triangle is RIDICULOUS with the dance and technological style too. When's the last time my faves did a 7 minute dance performance? Never.

  2. OMG! You're totally right... over the last few years, Perfume have developed some SWAGGA. Is it all that hip popping? The bend and snap move? Damn.

    1. "Spring of life" is far from Perfume's best single. But I think it features one of their hottest routines. As you said; there was popping and snappin'. Shoot...these tricks even took it to the floor!

  3. Nocchi was swagging and dropping low like she wanted to be the sole member of Perfume. LOL these robohoes have come a long way, but the dancing better have pin point accuracy if they aren't going to sing live.

  4. Loved them since "Electro World", Just ordered "JPN" and I can't wait for it to arrive :D


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