Pharrell continues to cast his spell on the world with his Hogwarts sorting hat with the second release off of his album G I R L, the album opener "Marilyn Monroe". This song typifies the theme of Pharrell's album and also displays the fruits of his labour with film score composer Hans Zimmer who conducted and arranged all of the strings which feature on it.
"Marilyn Monroe" is one of my favourite songs off of G I R L, so I'm glad it's going to be a single. After Pharrell caught a kitchen full of heat for not featuring a dark enough black girl on his album cover, he has attempted to remedy this by not only featuring a gorgeous dark skinned black woman on the single artwork, but women of all shades, races and types in the music video. Although Pharrell won't be able to please everybody, no matter how much he tries. Within the first 30 seconds of the video there are crotch and arse shots of women stretching, which are sure to have women in the red corner roll their eyes and argue why Pharrell had to feature such scenes of objectification. Aside from Kelly Osbourne (who is fully clothed) there aren't that many bigger sized women, which women in the blue corner will argue against, claiming that whilst Pharrell may have just about fulfilled the race quota, he left the options as to size and shape completely unchecked. I guess something to bear in mind is that the album and this video is a representation of what Pharrell finds sexy and alluring in a woman. It doesn't completely disregard or discount those who find holes in what Pharrell serves up, but it is what it is.
I enjoyed this video. I love the scene of the women dancing in the red, white and blue. It reminded me of a musical. In fact the entire video did, which is a large part as to why I like it. Yup. I can be a sucker for anything resembling a musical from the golden age of Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse.
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