Music video: Kendrick Lamar - DNA.

Music video: Kendrick Lamar - DNA. | Random J Pop

Kendrick Lamar's new music video features War machine Don Cheadle. And whilst there are no adamantium shields, Winter soldiers or Stark suits flying around, there is crazed antics in a car, an intense interrogration and Kendrick in Kung-Fu master threads.

The second Don Cheadle hit me with 'You know what DNA stands for? Dead nigga association' I knew Kendrick was going to set it off like Angela.

I'd love to know how long it took Don Cheadle to learn the lyrics to this song and if he got an advance copy of the album as LeBron James did.

Despite Kendrick being hot for more than a minute, DAMN. is the first album of his that I've listened to, and it's made me want to go back and listen to Good kid, M.A.A.D city and To pimp a butterfly.

Having listened to DAMN., I can't at this point speak for how it compares to his other albums, but the cuts "DNA.", "LOYALTY." and "GOD." are sticking out for me as highlights thus far. "LOYALTY." features Rihanna. A song which would work perfectly without her. But if Kendrick wants a hit (not that he needs one) he could have one with "LOYALTY.". And if he wants a video with some titties, I'm sure Rihanna has a sheer top she'd be willing to wear without a bra.