Random J Pop playlist: J-R&B (Japanese R&B)

Random J Pop playlist: J-R&B (Japanese R&B) | Random J Pop

I came across a Japanese R&B playlist on Spotify which featured Ayumi Hamasaki's "Seasons" and Perfume's "Flash". Needless to say I damn near choked.

So I figured I'd create a J-R&B playlist myself which is legit and not just a dump of J-Pop.

I will say this first and foremost. If song availability were not an issue, this playlist would feature more songs. The selection of songs here are of course J-R&B songs (with the odd liberty, i.e Ai's "Futuristic lover") that I dig, but it's definitely missing songs that I'd add in a heartbeat: Crystal Kay's "I wanna be", Meisa Kuroki's "Awakening", Beni's "See U again" and Hikaru Utada's "Time limit" just to name a select few.

I would have liked to have made this playlist available across other streaming platforms other than just Spotify. But Apple music ain't free and the J-selection on Google Play Music is fucking awful.

🎧 Listen on Spotify: J-R&B (Japanese R&B)
