J-R&B songstress ARiriana Venti is getting that high street coin by modelling for Bershka Japan's Autumn / Winter 2019 collection.
In all these years of listening to J-Pop, watching J-drama's, having been to Japan, I had no clue that Japan used the term 'Autumn' too as we do in the UK. Everywhere slowly seems to be adopting the US term 'Fall'. It's even catching on here. And every time my mind drifts into the usages of 'Autumn' and 'Fall', it goes straight to this...

Bershka is owned by Inditex, which is the same company that owns Zara and Pull & Bear. Bershka isn't really that big here in the UK and neither is Pull & Bear. It's all about Zara. In Japan, it's pretty similar. Everywhere you go, you'll see a Zara. You won't see to many Bershka's, but if you go to Shibuya, you'll find a ma-HOOO-sive Bershka there. Damn store front looked like an installation for Perfume's LEVEL3 last I saw it. Glass panels and pastel colours all in that bitch.
I find Bershka's shit too poorly made and throwaway. I bought some shit from there once, and it all washed badly, shrunk, fell apart. Never again. Bershka don't do quality. Their shit is like Primark. But it's aimed at teens and young students, so...I guess that's why. Like teens don't want quality. But, whatever.
As for Zara, I'm 6 foot 5. So nothing in Zara fits me. And on the few occasions I manage to find something that does fit, that shit is stiff and hard to move in - something I find with all of their clothes. But I buy them anyway, because I look cute, as long as I'm stationary and don't move too much.
This was supposed to be a post about Riri. So here's another picture of her in Bershka.

📝 Random J Pop album review: Riri - Neo
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