I didn't think we would be getting another visual for "What's Your Pleasure?", but here we are. As great as the first visual was, it makes complete sense that Jessie Ware would eventually film one which features her. After all, it is the title track of her now critically acclaimed album.
"What's Your Pleasure?" is such sex that I did wonder what type of visual Ms. Jessica would shoot for it. Jessica has always exuded sexiness via sensuality in her music videos, but this was gonna require that extra bit of spice that I wondered if Jessica could give. But she a new bitch now. Choreo. Latex. Kissing. Licking the camera. She threw the whole damn spice rack in my face.
I like it.
My only two gripes with this video is that I wish we got to see more of Miss Jessica giving us choreo, and that this video was for the album version of the song. Part of what makes "What's Your Pleasure?" such a great song is that it's a seduction. It isn't in any rush. So when you cut this 4 and half minute song down to 3 minutes, you lose that. The build in the intro, the bridge section when the music drops out, and the final minute of the song are some of the best and sexiest parts of the song - so it's a shame to have them all cut so short. But still. It's a great song. And a single edit by no means ruins it.
Seeing Jessica push her own boundaries and put herself in these new places is so great to see. And none of it feels forced or conflicted with the Jessie we've been fans of up until now.
This is a nice palate cleanser after the mess that was "The Kill".
💿 Album review: Jessie Ware's 4th studio album, What's Your Pleasure?
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