Random J Playlist: BoA's Pussy Music

Random J Playlist: BoA's Pussy Music | Random J Pop

Ever since BoA started to take full control of her sound in 2015 with the release of Kiss My Lips, she's sung a fair bit about her pussy. Even before, she'd sung about her pussy. But she REALLY started singing about it a lot from 2015 onward. If y'all think "Kiss My Lips" is about face to face smooches, then [In Mariah Carey's Got 2B Real voice] I don't know what to tell you.

So it was only natural that I put together a playlist of each of these songs, and appropriately titled is BoA's Pussy Music. Or BPM for short.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'mma go buss it open to "Honey & Diamonds".

🎧 Listen on Spotify: BoA's Pussy Music

💿 BoA reviews: LP's Better | Woman | Kiss My Lips | Hurricane Venus | Identity | BoA | The Face | Outgrow / EP's Starry Night | One Shot, Two Shot
