Namie Amuro's former backup dancers MAX release their bop "Do Shot". It's a #ShotGirlSummer y'all.

Namie Amuro's former backup dancers MAX release their bop "Do Shot". It's a #ShotGirlSummer y'all. | Random J Pop

MAX is a group that's been around for a LONG ass time. Since 1995 bitch. Originally members of the Super Monkeys aka Namie Amuro's backup dancers. Who woulda thought that they'd still be around and outlast Namie herself!?

Even Namie can't believe.

As is a global trend at the moment, MAX's song "Do Shot" has disco vibes, with a music video which has an aesthetic most would associate with a K-Pop video.

⚠️ Because Avex are stupid, they don't allow the embedding of videos. But if you click the link in the video, you can still watch the video on YouTube. It's not blocked by region.

I really like the song. The vocals are a bit raggedy. But raggedy vocals is what you get with pop stars from Okinawa. There's clearly something in the water there, because the way Mina (short blonde bob) was riding the beat felt very Namie Amuro-esque. I could totally see Namie doing a song like this.

I think it's great that there's a group in J-Pop made up of woman in their 40's still releasing music and showing that can keep in step with younger bitches. There aren't enough girl groups in J-Pop who are 30+. It's sad when you think about how many good girl groups or groups with potential there have been in J-Pop over time that just didn't go the distance. And how many of these groups disbanded through no choice of their own, but because their label just gave up on them. Yes. I am still pressed about what happened to Bright. And I feel that the way Avex is mis-handling Faky, that they'll also end up being disbanded before they get to realise their full potential.

There is very much a double standard when it comes to pop girl groups in Japan and South Korea. Labels will cut the career of a girl group short, even when they're doing well commercially, yet will do everything to keep fledging boy bands going. The ratio of boy bands who came up in the Heisei era and are still releasing music now to that of girl groups is crazy. Even groups like KAT-TUN who shoulda had their plug pulled A LONG time ago, still be going. This is why Perfume still being around, selling out tours and charting in the Oricon top 10 with regularity is so remarkable. History dictates that they shouldn't be.

So here's to MAX staying around a little longer and flying the flag for girl groups staying together for over 20 years and still releasing music.

I mean, shit. Even the term 'girl groups'. It's like there's no insinuation that they'll ever make it past being just girls. Women groups doesn't have quite the same punch though does it? But maybe it's time to normalise a term that feels less ageist?

I dunno. Just thinking out loud, as always.
