Random Ass Post Vol. 11: Brought to you by a new Instagram account

Random Ass Post Vol. 11: Brought to you by a new Instagram account | Random J Pop

So. I wondered what way I could do to keep in contact with y'all following Twitter being some bitches and cutting me off, and I've decided that FOR NOW I'mma go for Instagram

I know, I know. But hear me out.

I'm sure some of y'all are more active on Instagram than Twitter, and that you use it as a source of info and updates for your faves. In fact, many of our faves who don't tweet for shit are WAAAAAY more active on Instagram. 

I'd shared with you back in June why I started this ragged-ass blog and why I keep bothering (but barely) to post on it, and that hasn't changed. Instagram could be another way to reach others who are out there feeling alone and that there's nobody who shares a weirdly varied music taste - so I'mma give it a go.

This new account will really just be for updates on what's happening or has happened here, with other bits and bobs sprinkled in-between.

I've always said that I want to share more of what I listen to, and I think it'll be easier as a little 'This is what I'm listening to' Insta post, as opposed to a post here where everything is more long form. I feel like many of my posts on new music get overlooked here unless they're reviews.

Quite a few of you have suggested that I do podcasts and YouTube videos, and I really like that idea. Especially because I've been thinking about accessibility. Some of y'all may find looking at walls of text hard, not have the best vision, may be dyslexic or just not be into reading. So I'll definitely be looking at ways to create some audio related Random J Pop content too. 

📷 Now on Instagram: Random J Pop
