Friendly Fires drop a new song "Run the wild flowers". *Wig is abandoned in a garden somewhere*

Friendly Fires announce a UK tour and drop a new song "Run the wild flowers" | Random J Pop

Friendly Fires went 84 years denying us new music. And now their like 'HERE BITCH. JUST FUCKING TAKE IT'.

We got 3 singles spaced out over the course of a year. And then out of the blue, in the space of a couple of weeks; we got an album announcement flanked by a new song "Silhouettes", then a tour announcement and ANOTHER new song "Run the wild flowers".

Everything we've heard from Inflorescent so far has been funky, flirty and fun. "Run the wild flowers" is far moodier and darker by comparison, but you can obviously still dance to the bitch, because it's Friendly Fires.

For those who have listened to Friendly Fires' Pala album, think "Chimes".

With the new album out in just over 2 weeks, and half of it already released as singles and buzz cuts, I'm hoping that we get nothing else. I want as much newness as can be saved when Inflorescent drops on August 16th. Even though me being a J-Pop fan, I'm used to albums coming out with only 2 new songs, because the 11 others were released as singles and TV commercial tie-ins. Japan sure do love to do that shit.
