FKA Twigs is back with a follow-up to her emo-strip bop "Cellophane" and a release date for her second LP Magdalene. It's weird to think that FKA Twigs is only dropping her second LP. It feels like she should be on her fourth or somethin' by now.
FKA's anointed pussy anthem "Holy terrain" features Baby Fahdda' extraordinaire Future, who doesn't appear in the music video. He probably too busy getting some next woman pregnant to stand on a plain and mumble for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
I'm not gonna sit here and act like I like this song because it's cool to do so and it's FKA Twigs. I'm not a fan. I wasn't a fan of "Cellophane" either. But I like the visuals for both. It's always great watching FKA Twigs dance and to be reminded that she is a dancer who can really move and go the fuck off. Even though she had no reason to for this type of song. She very easily coulda just rolled around in the dust and served us fabric blowing in the wind, Madonna "Frozen" type vibes.
On a side note, I had no idea that FKA Twigs and Cedric Diggory had broken up.
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