Grimes has been talking about a follow up to her Art angels album for years. Telling fans that it's coming. That it isn't. That she's changed her mind. That she's scrapped the whole thing and is starting from scratch. Was Azaelia Banks really in the house!?
The only thing anybody knows about Grimes Art angels follow up at this point is that it is called Miss_Anthropocene and that "Violence" is in fact the first single from it and not her 2018 single "We appreciate power". Grimes be changing her mind about shit like the weather. So there's as much chance of "We appreciate power" making the album as there is "Violence" not making it at all...despite being the lead single.
Grimes never sticks with one sound. So there's no point in getting attached to the sound of "Violence". And there's definitely no point as taking it as any form of sign as to what Miss_Anthropocene will sound like.
I like this song. I do wish there was more in the way of structure, but also like that it just flows and doesn't have these obvious markers of when the verses and chorus start.
The video concept was cool, but it got boring to watch after the first minute, because so much of the video was essentially one shot. As lovely as it looked, there wasn't enough happening for it to take up so much of the video. There should have been more of Grimes dancing to help keep it interesting.
I'm actually looking forward to Grimes' new album. Art Angels got quite a few plays outta me during the Summer of '16. "Kill V. Maim" and "Venus fly" got run back many a time, and I still play "REALiTi". The original version though. Not the album version. A song that Grimes said wasn't gonna be on the album, but still ended up on it. Y'all see what I mean?! Always changing up her mind. You can't trust anything a bitch says until the music is out.
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