Hanabi Live to go the fuck off for the Queen of Okinawa, and stream Namie Amuro shit all day

Hanabi Live to go the fuck off for the Queen of Okinawa, and stream Namie Amuro shit all day | Random J Pop

Namie Amuro day was denied being a national holiday by the Japanese government (the nerve). But Okinawa said 'Fuck it. We gon' go off like it is anyway'. So, September 16th is regarded as the Queen of Okinawa's day on the island, and there will be a 12 hour streaming event in her honour.

It's weird that Namie day is the day she retired, and not her birthday, which is also in September.


Because Namie literally dropped off the face of the earth never to be seen again since peacing out with Finally, there's no cute post retirement fax that's been issued from her, or any new content from Namie herself. It goes without saying that Namie will not be making any guest appearance for this any part of this streaming event.

When Namie said she was done, she really fucking meant it.

The 7-Eleven sponsored event (Namie released "Christmas Wish" and posed with a chicken leg as part of a 7-Eleven tie-in) will include an airing of every single one of Namie Amuro's music videos, interviews with some of Namie's former dancers and stylists, interviews with some of the artists who guest featured at Namie's Hanabi show and a streaming of the show itself with CGI fireworks slapped on top. Because hanabi innit. It's worth checking this show out just for Ken Hirai's performance of Namie's wet ass pussy anthem "Want Me, Want Me" alone. That man did not change a single word.

The online show doesn't appear to be a pay-per-view affair from what I can see of the website, but don't quote me on that.

🌐 The official website: We ♥ Namie Online Hanabi Show
🎧 Spotify playlists: This is Namie Amuro | The buss down
💿 Album reviews: Finally | _genic | Feel | Uncontrolled | Past < Future | Play | Queen of Hip-Pop
