I speculated that perhaps the city of London would be a major part of the video, and I was kinda right. We get a couple of locations shown which will be known to Londoners; Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus, a few side alleys off of Carnaby Street.This is a really nice video which matches the song tonally. I just wish there were a few more clear shots of the locales, and more importantly, that it was Jessie herself in the video. Gemma Arterton looks a hell of a lot like Jessica herself, which is probably why she was chosen to star. I've never seen Gemma Arterton with dark hair before. I've only ever seen her with the red hair she had in James Bond: Quantum of Solace.
It's actually funny that we get a music video for a song off of What's Your Pleasure? featuring an actor who starred in Quantum of Solace, because I slapped Jessica's "Spotlight" over the opening sequence of said film a few months back.
Speaking of James Bond; Barbara 'n' dem need to reach out to Jessica and have her do a theme song.
All featuring a Jessie look-a-like does is make me wish Jessie had just featured in the damn video herself. I'm going to assume that her pregnancy may have been the reason why she didn't. "Remember Where You Are" sits alongside some of the other videos which were shot for What's Your Pleasure? which didn't feature Jessie herself, so that's something for consistency...I guess.
Hopefully "Remember Where You Are" having a music video will direct more people to Jessie's phenomenal fourth studio album, which I have not stopped playing since it released in June of last year.
Jessie seems to be putting things in motion for a Deluxe Edition of What's Your Pleasure?. Her pregnancy may have shifted plans slightly, but I'm sure it's still on the cards regardless. With Jessie's tour set to kick off in December, I imagine a re-release will be slated for the tail-end of 2021 or the first quarter of 2022.
💿 Album review: Jessie Ware's What's Your Pleasure?
All featuring a Jessie look-a-like does is make me wish Jessie had just featured in the damn video herself. I'm going to assume that her pregnancy may have been the reason why she didn't. "Remember Where You Are" sits alongside some of the other videos which were shot for What's Your Pleasure? which didn't feature Jessie herself, so that's something for consistency...I guess.
Hopefully "Remember Where You Are" having a music video will direct more people to Jessie's phenomenal fourth studio album, which I have not stopped playing since it released in June of last year.
Jessie seems to be putting things in motion for a Deluxe Edition of What's Your Pleasure?. Her pregnancy may have shifted plans slightly, but I'm sure it's still on the cards regardless. With Jessie's tour set to kick off in December, I imagine a re-release will be slated for the tail-end of 2021 or the first quarter of 2022.
💿 Album review: Jessie Ware's What's Your Pleasure?
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