Music Video: UK girl group Flo give a 2K R&B serve with “Immature”

Music Video: UK girl group Flo release their second music video, “Immature” | Random J Pop

In the past week things have moved lickitty-split for UK trio Flo. They released a follow up single to their debut “Cardboard Box”, a music video, AND their debut EP titled The Lead, which features both songs. And they’ve been getting a fair amount of attention too - rightly deserved.

Although I am THIS close to demanding justice for “Cardboard Box”. Because that song did not go *Puts on Mariah Carey voice* The distaaaaaaance.

Where were the televised performances? Where were the TV show appearances? Where were the festival performances? Where was the radio air play? Where were the remixes?


As much as I liked “Cardboard Box”, Flo’s follow up “Immature” feels like more of an arrival. The song hits a little harder, feels edgier and has the girls looking far more established in the music video. But it also shows that Flo can give a sound and a look which says ‘global girl group’, where-as “Cardboard Box” felt far more local. And local is no bad thing. It was a massive part of its charm, and charm is something that will be important to the success of Flo, as it’s what has helped some of the UK’s biggest girl groups become...the UK’s biggest girl groups.

Flo hearkening back to the days of late 90s and early 2000s R&B is sublime. R&B in the US has always been huge, but it was truly an exciting time during the late 90s and early 2000s, when there were SO many acts putting out great music and succeeding with it. R&B music of this time period had a very distinguishable sound and look, and Flo have really captured it with “Immature”, without it seeming like a gimmick.

Whilst UK R&B as a whole barely made a drop in the ocean, we still got some great acts and songs. Sure, it was pretty much a copy and paste of what US acts were giving, but it still had that extra something that made it uniquely UK, which Flo also capture with “Immature”. And I think it’s this that’s actually going to help them stand out. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if some who came across this song and video thought that Flo were a US girl group anyway.

🗄️ Mo’ Flo: The music video for “Cardboard Box” | The acoustic version of “Cardboard Box”
