The queens of Hiroshima (aka Perfume) rep for their home city of Hiroshima

The queens of Hiroshima (aka Perfume) have lent their airs and graces to their home city, by becoming the faces and voices of Hiroshima's guide book.

Each city and prefecture in Japan is always doing the most to try and get people to visit their hood. I recall being collared in Kyoto and Nara by some prefecture officials who were giving me flyers, badgers, sashese and wrestled me to the floor until I said I would tell a friend to 'come here for holiday'. So what better way to get people to visit your city than to use the faces of celebrities who will be doing a world tour and scalping the western hemisphere in 4 months time.

Perfume are not available to do the tour personally for those who pick up the tour guide pack, but ex-Perfume member Kawayuka is on hand to conduct this tour personally. This is how she makes her money off of the Perfume name. Her time to shine.


  1. "Namie would never let some drag queen on a street corner snatch her phone. If they were to ever, it would be the last thing they ever do."

    HILARIOUS and spot on; not to mention Shiina Ringo, who would've gone full metal alchemist/dragonball z combat on anybody's a** dumb enough 2 try it. She looks so much like old school Jennifer Lopez here but hot looks matter not when the surrounding visuals and music blow this hard. "COLOURS" flopped harder on Oricon's albums chart than Koda tripping down a Bon Voyage staircase on shoe lace wig, "LOL"-ing herself in2 a coma...this song doesn't even hold a drop of lighter fluid 2 Queen B's "XO" though!

  2. What in the everlasting fuck is going on in this video o.O Oh Ayu, you need to stop this foolishness. You gave us hotness with the Colours covers, but then you give us this for the (in my opinion) best song of the album? For shame, child... For shame!!

  3. I guess somewhat akin 2 how the fellow tribe members of N'Sync and Destiny's Child thirst so greatly for the relevance of Beyonce or Justin Timberlake sonce they disbanded; may the Gods of music bless them in all their attempts at making some semblance of a career, EVENTUALLY.

  4. Its quite simply the best thing she probably could come up with, considering how many videos she's shot to her name and that she's at a dead end for generating ideas at this point ANYways. Only goes 2 show that the 'honor' of best song on the album makes neither worth purchasing nor listening to ever again, unless as the guiltiest of pleasures.

  5. Like J said, the selfie concept could have been really awesome for this song, but the execution is so damn messy (not to mention those faces Ayu makes into the camera are weird as fuck). Also, the club scenes fell apart the second Ayu started dancing; homegirl needs to stick to two steppin' it out, some spins, and a weave flick.

  6. every time ayumi dances I can't but help look at her face: its a mix of confusion and humiliation.

  7. Everything I ever wanted and foretold of this woman's career is happening before my eyes and it feels so good.

    I'm satisfied.

  8. Dawg, when are you gonna update about our girl Namie's epic slayage on the Oricon battlefields with her "BALLADA" collection? Is work and the personal life that crazy busy? I guess so, since you haven't even done some serious "Sunday Shade" on Ayu's COLOURS album flopping harder than a lead balloon strappped to an anvil thrown off the side of a cruise liner...we'll wait patiently 'till it happens!

  9. The shut up and wait patiently in silence, you infestation. Dang.

  10. I believed Kawayuka was doing the tours at first. lol

  11. From the sight of your face? I couldn't agree more! But hey, my medical bills are always paid on time, am perfectly healthy and I eat damn well most days, so yeah, BLOW me. Since you're apparently into that sort of thing...

  12. Medical Bills.......ahhhhhhhh.......

    Makes since. :)

  13. You're still obsessed and she's still worth like $450,000,000.00 lol :D

  14. Nothing you say will take away her flop or my smile. lol

  15. If you can't tell the difference between when to spell "SINCE" as "SENSE" than your grammar nazism is about as fake as that Michael J. tan you call yourself sporting; Little Richard wants ALL that pancake make-up you stole up while you thought nobody was looking...


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