Yasutaka Nakata, Perfume and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (aka Team All Sounds The Same) snapped together

Yasutaka Nakata, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and Perfume aka 'Team All Sounds The Same' aka 'Team Fall off' have actually been photographed together, as a result of them all performing at the annual Summer sonic festival. Not together though. But Kyary Pamyu Pamyu was there as a replacement Toshiko for Yasutaka Nakata's set and they even wore matching outfits.

Perfume have worked with this man for their entire lives and I bet he still don't know their names. Group or real.

This is the first time I've actually seem all five of them together. And even though I've never seen them all together before, I know that they of course, have been. I recall a-chan saying that sometimes they'd be waiting in Nakata's studio for their session whilst Kyary is finishing up hers. I can only imagine the thoughts running through Kyary and Perfume's minds as they hear each other's material. Is Nocchi like 'This all sounds the fucking same and I don't get lines on songs anyway'? Is a-chan like 'This is gonna be my chance to give a proper vocal'? Does Kashiyuka even care?

I swear a-chan and Kashiyuka are the only ones like that actually like Kyary. Any photo where there's all four of them together, they are the only two who look they're glad she's there. I will never forget this moment where Nocchi was done with her.

Nocchi is done with Kyary | Random J Pop

a-chan and Kyary actually are friends. Kashiyuka has been snapped with Kyary on occasion. I can imagine a-chan asking Kyary what it's like talking to Nakata, because he refuses to talk to any member of Perfume. Ever. And she probably spills the tea on her desire to write her own songs and sing properly on songs. Meanwhile Kyary has nothing to offer but relief she's still getting paid to perform and star in TV commercials.

Perfume and Kyary's next album should just be a joint album, because we've reached peak 'Their shit all sounds the same' now.

Perfume shit
📝Album reviews: Game | JPN | LEVEL3 | Cosmic explorer | Future Pop
🎧 Playlists: P.P.P | Revised editions of Game, ⊿, JPN, LEVEL3, Cosmic explorer & Future Pop

Kyary shit
📝 Album reviews: Nanda collection | Pikapika fantajin | Japamyu
💿 Random J Pop special edition album: Super Pamicom

Yasutaka Nakata shit
📝 Album reviews: Capsule's CAPS LOCK | Capsule's Wave runner
🎧 Playlist: This is (some of) Yasutaka Nakata
