Beyoncé and The Black eyed peas were on hand at the F1 rocks Singapore to...well, Rock Singapore! The Black eyed peas went with something current, whilst Beyoncé decided to throw it back.
Beyoncé - Crazy in love
I hate "Crazy in love" now. I won't sit here and say I'd rather she did "Single ladies (Put a ring on it)", because I don't wanna hate that song too. The best part of this performance was when she broke into Jigga man's "I just wanna love you" and then threw up 'The Roc'. B looked hot and sounded hot. But I wasn't all that wrapped up in this performance because I really am so sick of "Crazy in love". I'm scarred by how many times she performed this song in the UK when she released it here and went #1 with it. Every day of the week she was performing it with EXACTLY the same arrangement. I went from loving the song to wishing she'd stick it on a USB key and shove it up her arse. I still got love for the B'droid and ain't no knocking her hustle. I'd wish she'd start giving surprise performance of more album cuts. I'd LOVE to see her do "Upgrade U", "Radio" or even "Video phone" instead of the same ol', same ol'. She's at that level in her career where she can perform any song, and regardless of how well people know it, they'll be sprung on just how good she is. She needs to stop with the predictability.
The Black eyed peas - Boom Boom Pow
"Boom Boom Pow" is a song that the Black eyed peas are hit and miss with when they perform it live. When they did it at the Japan '09 VMA's, they rocked it. On this occasion they seemed really sedate and there was a distinct lack of energy. They're shouting and beckoning the crowd to get crunk and go mad when they barely look like they can be bothered to do so themselves. And what was up with Fergie's weird robot dancing? She should have just strutted up and down the stage and popped her p***y to the beat. She's tamed her shit down ever since she tied the knot to that dude from Transformers. She needs to stop with that. "Boom Boom Pow" is still my guilty pleasure song when I'm in a club. No matter how tired, drunk or fed up I am. If it comes on, I'll be on the floor.
Beyoncé - Crazy in love
I hate "Crazy in love" now. I won't sit here and say I'd rather she did "Single ladies (Put a ring on it)", because I don't wanna hate that song too. The best part of this performance was when she broke into Jigga man's "I just wanna love you" and then threw up 'The Roc'. B looked hot and sounded hot. But I wasn't all that wrapped up in this performance because I really am so sick of "Crazy in love". I'm scarred by how many times she performed this song in the UK when she released it here and went #1 with it. Every day of the week she was performing it with EXACTLY the same arrangement. I went from loving the song to wishing she'd stick it on a USB key and shove it up her arse. I still got love for the B'droid and ain't no knocking her hustle. I'd wish she'd start giving surprise performance of more album cuts. I'd LOVE to see her do "Upgrade U", "Radio" or even "Video phone" instead of the same ol', same ol'. She's at that level in her career where she can perform any song, and regardless of how well people know it, they'll be sprung on just how good she is. She needs to stop with the predictability.
The Black eyed peas - Boom Boom Pow
"Boom Boom Pow" is a song that the Black eyed peas are hit and miss with when they perform it live. When they did it at the Japan '09 VMA's, they rocked it. On this occasion they seemed really sedate and there was a distinct lack of energy. They're shouting and beckoning the crowd to get crunk and go mad when they barely look like they can be bothered to do so themselves. And what was up with Fergie's weird robot dancing? She should have just strutted up and down the stage and popped her p***y to the beat. She's tamed her shit down ever since she tied the knot to that dude from Transformers. She needs to stop with that. "Boom Boom Pow" is still my guilty pleasure song when I'm in a club. No matter how tired, drunk or fed up I am. If it comes on, I'll be on the floor.
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