I don't think I posted anything about Skrillex and Hikaru Utada teaming up for the Kingdom Hearts III theme song, because I'm high key rubbish when it comes to updating this blog regularly. But, yeah. They did. And now we finally get to hear the fruits of their collaboration.
Initially, I was sceptical of Skrillex having anything to do with this, because I can't say I'm a fan of his productions. But his work with Poo Bear for Mariah Carey's song "The distance" from her album Caution and his work for her Japanese bonus track "Runway" had me do a complete 180° and gave me faith in what this Kingdom Hearts III theme would end up sounding like. That faith was misplaced and I might need a refund. Because, bitch...
Now. We've been here before. Or at least I have. When "Chikai" / "Don't think twice" was first revealed in a trailer in snippet form, opinions were as divided as fuck. Then Hikaru Utada's album Hatsukoi dropped, we heard the song in full, and opinions changed because of how the song flourished far beyond the 1 minute and 30 seconds we'd heard in all of the trailers. I still hate the bridge, but whatever. It's a good song now.
Therefore, I'll reserve full judgement until I hear the full song. That said, I'mma still talk some shit about this and drag it a little.
I really liked "Face my fears" up until the drop. Then I had flashbacks of the Future bass nonsense that fucked up Perfume's Future pop album, thought 'Oh great. It's that typical Skrillex shit now' and it kinda lost me. The drop just doesn't pop. There are some really nice chord changes in it, but you can barely make them out because the mix is so damn muddy. So I hope the full song features the drop with a piano over the top of it to really highlight the chords and the melody. But the more I listen to it clip, the more I like it. So I look forward to hearing the song in full.
One thing I appreciate with all of the songs that Hikaru has graced Kingdom Hearts with though, is that she never gives us the same thing twice. Every song and iteration of each song that she's given us feels completely different and manages to perfectly set the tone of any moment in-game when it's used. So I'm looking forward to seeing the context in which "Don't think twice" is used when I get my hands on this game come January 29th.
The cinematic is gorgeous though, be we already knew it was going to be. Square Enix don't ever fuck around when it comes to their cinematics. I have no idea what was going on or who half of these characters are, because I've not played Birth by sleep, 358/2 days or Dream Drop Distance and I don't intended to. Ya'll kidding yourselves if you think playing those games will make Kingdom Hearts III's plot make any more sense.
"Face your fears" will be available for pre-order tomorrow, with the song releasing on January 18, little over a week before Kingdom Hearts III is available worldwide and Tetsuya Nomura gets his life back. Well. Not really. Because there's still the Final Fantasy VII remake and then whatever other high profile project Square Enix wanna throw at him and have him delays for years. But we won't go there here.
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