Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Rey's Charlie's Angels theme "Don't call me Angel" is dusty and sho' ain't no Cameron Di and Destiny

There's a new Charlie's Angels film coming out this year and it has a new theme song which is sun by Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Rey. I don't know why nor how Lana Del Rey ended up on this. But her inclusion on the song feels less strange when you hear how she's worked into it. Her section of the song is actually the best part.
And whilst this song is tagged as Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Rey, it's basically Ariana Grande featuring Miley Cyrus and Lana Del Rey. They are on her song, but ius the artist who is stands out the least.
Miley stands out because her voice just doesn't sit nicely with the music. And I think many of us are done with her on these R&B / Rap leaning songs now. And Lana's stands out because her verse is just a Lana Del Rey song slapped into an Ariana Grande song. They shoulda just Lana Del Rey's section be extended into full song and let her do the Charlie's Angels theme by herself and give us something on a James Bond tip. Speaking of James Bond, they should make Lana Del Rey sing the theme song for the new movie. Although given Lashana Lynch starring in the lead role, they may opt to have a black female vocalist take it on instead.
Lana looks so uncomfortable in this video. They'd have been better off going with somebody like Camila Cabello. Although the timing her new singles would've prevented that. And would Ariana and her team want another pint sized chick with long dark hair in the video? Probably not. I would say Normani, to show 'diversity', but it's good her name isn't attached to this mess.
So basically, this song is trash. But thankfully Destiny's Child did what they had to do the first time around, so we can all just...
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