Random J Mix: Perfume - Game (Random J Megamix)

A post header image, featuring the interface of audio editing software, and an image of the cover artwork for my megamix of Perfume’s Game.

So, I'd done a Megamix of Perfume's LEVEL3 and another for the album we all adore, Cosmic Explorer. So I felt compelled to do one for Game. However many years later. 3 to be exact, but who's counting.

I'd like to eventually do megamixes for Triangle, JPN and even Future Pop too. Shit. Maybe even Complete Best, but we'll see how that goes. I know what I'm like. So maybe in 2025, if the asteroid hasn't hit yet, I'll get around to putting out something.

Anyway. Give the vid a thumbs up and tell all of your Perfume stanning friends about this if you like it. And if you have YouTube Music, then you can stream the megamix there too. Being able to stream music uploads on YouTube on YouTube Music is such a great feature that YouTube don't really push. Weird considering that I thought that was one of the main edges it had over Spotify and Apple Music.


I hope you Perfume fans enjoy this.

🎛️ Perfume megamixes: LEVEL3 megamix | Cosmic Explorer megamix
🎧 Playlists: The Rest "P Cubed" | Perfume Pussy Poppers
💿 Album reviews: The Best "P Cubed" | Future Pop | Cosmic Explorer | LEVEL3 | JPN | Triangle | Game
