Random J edit: Hikaru Utada - Sanctuary of Passion

Random J edit: Hikaru Utada (宇多田 ヒカル) - Sanctuary of Passion

Up until "Face my fears" came along, I'd always preferred the Japanese versions of Hikaru Utada's Kingdom Hearts themes because the vocal production was always better and the songs just flowed better in Japanese. I was also so familiar with the Japanese version, that by the time the English version came along, it felt off to me.

"Simple and clean" didn't suffer to badly in comparison to "Hikari", but "Sanctuary" definitely did in comparison to "Passion". All of the little intricacies of the backing vocals were just stripped away from and the bridge was completely removed. What's crazier about this is that Hikaru Utada actually wrote "Sanctuary" first and then re-worked it into Japanese - something she had expressed difficulty in doing. But given the differences between the 2 versions you'd think it was the other way around.

When Hikaru Utada had performed this song on her In the flesh tour in 2010, she actually fused "Passion" and "Sanctuary" together; singing the first verse from "Passion", the second from "Sanctuary" and then the bridge from "Passion".

WAAAAAAAY back I'd mashed "Passion" and "Sanctuary" together albeit in a slightly different way, but had never shared it. So I figured I may as well put it out into the world for those who remember that In the flesh performance fondly and may have wanted a studio version of it.

It's crazy how even now this song continues to grow on me. I think this was the song for many whose only point of reference for Hikaru was Kingdom Hearts that made them fans, had "Simple & clean" not already done it.

🔊 Spotify playlists: Hikaru Utada: Ballads | Hikaru Utada: R&B | Hikaru Utada: Bops | Slaykaru Queentada 
💿 Album reviews: DistanceDeep river | Exodus | Ultra blue | Heart station | This is the one | Fantôme | Hatsukoi
