Whilst I was fully expecting one of Perfume’s first performances of “Flow” to be in those cotton candy looking-ass dresses, we instead got it with the fashion ensembles. Well...fashion in the case of Nocchi and Kashiyuka. I still don’t know what’s going on with a-chan’s look. That coat be killing the whole look dead. a-chan’s always been conscious of her weight and her body though, so perhaps that’s why. Maybe she was having one of THOSE days. And I relate. I be wearing oversized black sweatshirts A LOT these days.
Perfume perform Flow on Music Station | © TV Asahi | 📺 Perfume Multiverse
Perfume perform Dream Fighter on Music Station | © TV Asahi | 📺 Perfume Multiverse
Nocchi in this look is giving me everything. I think that this is an image that Perfume should show more often, given that SO many of the ‘younger’ girl groups in Japan go the cutesy matching outfits route. Of course this isn’t exclusive to Perfume, who actually started wearing these outfits from JPN, at a time in their career where Perfume became fully commercialised. But they are so past that point now. So I’d like to see their style evolve, seeing as their music can’t.But of course Perfume performed “Flow” in those damn dresses. CDTV got that dishonour.
Perfume perform Flow on CDTV Live! Live! | © Tokyo Broadcasting System Television, Inc. | 📺 Perfume Multiverse
I feel similarly about the “Flow” dresses as I do the “Time Warp” dresses, which is that they look better in still shots than they do in motion. In the promo shots the dresses AT LEAST give some sense of couture and texture and flow. But in motion, they look stiff, cheap and don’t really accentuate the movement of the choreography. I will give Perfume’s style team props for switching up the shoes though. I was fully expecting Perfume to step out in a dead black pump.The change in clothing really does change the energy of the performance and how Perfume carry themselves. This isn’t a strange thing, or even much of a revelation. How we all carry ourselves differs based on what we wear. But it’s something I hope Perfume and their team are aware of. Because some performances and songs would benefit from some looks versus others.
🎚️ A mashup: Whitney Houston x Perfume
🎛️ Perfume megamixes: Cosmic Explorer megamix | LEVEL3 megamix | Game megamix
🎧 Playlists: The Rest “P Cubed” | Perfume Pussy Poppers
💿 Album reviews: The Best “P Cubed” | Future Pop | Cosmic Explorer | LEVEL3 | JPN | Triangle | Game | Complete Best