Hikaru Utada has released her visual for "Time". And as the preview led on, it's a very homely affair.
Hikaru Utada has given us music videos of her washing dishes, recording a song and U-Tubing; so this shot-in-the-age-and-times-of-Miss-Corona visual doesn't feel like a compromise on Hikaru Utada's visual style in any way.
This is not a video I'll find myself going back to, but it's cute. The best part of it was at the end when we saw Hikaru dancing around with the disco lights and hugging Kuma, because that's me whenever I listen to "Traveling". Yes bitch. With the disco lights and everything. Bought me one of those for £8 on Amazon.
After watching the video, I tweeted a comparison between the scene of Multitada and the single cover for "Keep Tryin'". I knew I couldn't have been the only one to see it. But to my surprise, fans caught a bunch of other moments in the video which could be seen as references to the Utadaverse. Hikaru herself will probably never confirm nor deny some of these, as we know she only tweets and Instagrams about trash she finds on the sidewalk. But it's fun to imagine that they're all intentional. It'd make sense given the title of the song and that she's has done it before.
Shout-outs to Twitter user and fellow Hikaru Utada fan Hisui (🐦 @jadeizm) for linking me to the Twitter thread of the Utadaverse references in the music video.
🎧 Playlists: Slaykaru Queentada | Hikaru Utada: R&B | Hikaru Utada: Ballads
🎛️ Fantôme remixes: Tomodachi | Michi
🎚️ Edit: The Sanctuary of Passion
💿 Single reviews: Time | Dare ni mo Iwanai
💿 Album reviews: Hatsukoi | Fantôme | This is the One | Heart Station | Ultra Blue | Exodus | Deep River | Distance
🎤 About the gig: Laughter in the Dark
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