Beyoncé introduces the Yoncé Cinematic Universe in the official teaser trailer for “I’m That Girl”

Beyoncé sat on a bar counter top with a black veil skirt, as a horse looks on.

Whilst Beyoncé gave everybody a heads up that she was releasing an album, and a single, she was completely silent on whether there would be music videos to look forward to. I’s Beyoncé. Of course there would be music videos. But dropping a single with no music video, and then an album with no music video, and not mentioning anything of it was definitely a move. And I guess we could consider it the twist in terms of how Beyoncé chose to roll out Renaissance. Because ever since the surprise release of her 2013’s self-titled album, every Beyoncé album release comes with a twist now. And I guess this one was no music videos...for a little while.


Beyoncé still isn’t saying a thing about the music videos, but she did release an official teaser for the Renaissance opener “I’m That Girl”, which not only acts partly as a music video for the song, but also a teaser for what are surely other music videos.

People online have already memed this shit, likening the scene which flashes through different Beyoncé’s as Everything Everywhere All at Once. Or as it should be called, Everything Everywhere All at Oncé. But I do wonder if Beyoncé in the Multiverse of Thiqueness could actually be what we end up getting; especially with the way certain moments in the teaser are edited, and how a couple of the shots and looks seem to be nods to things Beyoncé has done before. There were looks which reminded me of “1+1”, “Blow”, “Why Don’t You Love Me?” and “Ring the Alarm”. One look in particular reminded me of Kelis, but we ain’t getting into THAT now.

A shot of Beyoncé in close up, holding a microphone, with dark green hair.
Beyoncé “I’m That Girl” official teaser | Parkwood Entertainment, Columbia Records

Renaissance gives Beyoncé A LOT to play with visually, whilst also being quite succinct. Each song has such clear references and paints such vivid video concepts in my mind. I hear “Cozy” , I see ballroom and vouging. I hear “Cuff It”, I see Studio 54. I did a whole mood board on what I got from each song on Renaissance. So I’m both excited to see where Beyoncé goes with them and if her vision matches mine, as well as my expectations.

I don’t think Multiversyoncé should drop in one full whack. I think Beyoncé and her Parkwood team should phase the releases of the music videos. Renaissance is an album which has LEGS. So unless Jobu Tupakiyoncé has more up her sleeve for the album, or the release of act ii is imminent; then Beyoncé should definitely pace the music videos. Pull a Kumi Koda and drop a music video a week. Treat these music videos like a Disney+ Marvel show, and have us waiting week to week.

🎧 Beyoncé Playlist: Beyoncé’s ballads
💿 Beyoncé album & single reviews: Break My Soul | The Lion King: The Gift | Lemonade | Beyoncé | B’Day | 4 | I Am... Sasha Fierce
